Although it is still a tiny market, Cuban cigars in India are becoming more popular. According to a January study from The Hindu Business Line, the Indian cigar business is growing at a 20 percent annual rate, with annual sales of roughly 5 lakh cigars. Compared to, say, five years ago, I’ve noticed an increased interest in cigars lately.
Cuban cigars are readily available for cigar enthusiasts, and as time passes, more individuals with more disposable cash will become interested in cigars, much like they are in wine. Additionally, it is no longer valid to say that it just applies to men in sweaters sitting in front of a fireplace. More and more women are also becoming interested in cigar smoking. There’s no doubt that cigar smoking is the new pastime for adults in India. The emergence of bars, lounges, and shops across the nation is proof of this.
So here is our list of some of the finest cigar lounges in India where you can get together with other cigar enthusiasts to discuss all things cigars and have a marvelous time.
1. The Golf Bar at ITC Maurya, New Delhi
This bar is the perfect location for people wishing to savor a fine selection of cigars because it is designed to look like an English country club with a golf theme. Stogies from six different brands, including Churchill, Torpedo, Roberto, Petit Corona, and more, are available at The Golf Bar starting at Rs. 400 only. This location is excellent with its huge leather couches, elegant atmosphere, and relaxing music!
2. The Club Bar at The Oberoi, New Delhi
One of Delhi’s most exclusive bars, The Club Bar, allows you to enjoy your cigars in privacy. There are four different varieties of hand-rolled Cuban cigars available for you to select from. There are also personalized lockers available where you can keep your cigars, which is another intriguing aspect of this place.
Isn’t it amazing?
As soon as you walk into this elegantly furnished club with dark wooden wall panels, you’ll want to settle down and pass the time there again and again. Go ahead and enjoy their unique variety of alcoholic beverages, which includes single malts, cognac, and many other options!
3. The Cigar Lounge at Zuri, Bangalore
This chic rooftop cigar bar at the Zuri in Whitefield, Bangalore, is edgy and laid-back, taking the tackiness out of cigar smoking and rendering it more approachable for young smokers. Their selection of cigars, however, leaves the experienced smoker wanting. Nevertheless, it is included on this list since it gives a unique spin to the stereotypical cigar bar.
4. The Rubicon Bar & Cigar Lounge at The Leela Kempinski, New Delhi
The exclusive cigar lounge at Rubicon Bar, located on the lobby floor of The Leela Kempinski, features eight different cigar varieties, including the newest ones from all around the world. Their bar boasts an excellent selection of cocktails, single malts, and other unusual beverages. The interior is decorated in a dark maroon color, and French windows on one side provide views of the road. Enjoy a powerful cigar here while sipping on some old whisky.
5. The Cheroot Malt and Cigar Lounge at the ITC Grand Chola, Chennai
The Grand Chola in Chennai is a popular spot among the city’s high-society elite, and its Cheroot Cigar Lounge is ideal for an evening spent with those who appreciate some of life’s better things. Cheroot is a name derived from the Tamil word “suruttu”- a local kind of beedi, or wrapped tobacco leaves.
Only cigars from ITC, like the Armenteros cigars, are sold here for MRP prices. You can consult the bar captains for advice on pairings of cigars and spirits. They will also create a special cocktail for you in order to match your cigar and vibe. As a general rule of thumb, match the two in accordance with the cigar’s body and taste to prevent one from overpowering the other.
6. Atrium Lounge at Taj Lands’ End, Mumbai
This cigar club exudes exclusivity in so many ways that it has to be included in our list of the top cigar lounges in India. It features a pianist and a jazz band, the finest luxury single-estate coffees and teas, along with special-edition cigars.
The Atrium Bar & Lounge has the largest documented range of cigars and whiskeys on its menu, as well as legendary drinks that are emblematic of the Golden Age for connoisseurs eager to sample the best.
It offers a variety of beverages, from coffee to cocktails, teas to whiskies, mocktails to margaritas, giving you every excuse to celebrate, unwind, and watch the sunset over Bandra’s picturesque shoreline.
7. Artisan Cigar Lounge at Sofitel Mumbai, BKC
The Sofitel Mumbai BKC’s Cigar Lounge at Artisan opened in collaboration with Gurkha Cigars. Sofitel holds itself to a higher standard of excellence and elegance as they have an innate understanding of the French art-de-vivre.
His Majesty’s Reserve by Gurkha is the Cigar Lounge’s most distinctive feature (HMR). As the most costly cigar in the world, His Majesty’s Reserve is a unique and distinctive, medium-to-full-bodied cigar. The cigars are kept in distinctive wooden boxes that, when viewed from the lounge, visually resemble a developing wine barrel.
All cigar enthusiasts are invited to this urban lounge to indulge in highly regarded cigars in a sleek and elegant setting.
So, whenever you are near BKC and want to unwind, don’t hesitate. Simply go into the Artisan for a relaxing atmosphere that will instantly uplift your spirits.
The finest places to smoke cigars are upscale lounges where you can relax and indulge, savoring each puff while erasing the stress of your busy city life. Every cigar enthusiast should visit one of these cigar lounges to unwind after a full day of work.
You can also bring your own cigars to smoke in these lounges, so if you are looking to buy some premium cigars online, head over to Cingari and check out our wide range of collections that won’t disappoint you.