India is the world’s largest tobacco-producing country, and the humid environment in India allows for the production of a wide range of tobacco products. Cigars are one such well-known item. They have a distinct flavor, scent, and taste that entices you to desire more.
But sometimes, smoking a cigar can be more intimidating than enjoyable. Heck, just going into a nearby cigar shop to buy one can be intimidating. The cozy world of luxury cigars can occasionally seem overrun by countless options, perplexing messages, and unfounded viewpoints. There is the impossibly tricky decision of which cigar to purchase every time you enter a room full of cigar boxes. Even for a seasoned smoker, this can be a challenging and perplexing activity.
So, we have put together a list of the top ten exceptional cigars to try this year for every type of cigar enthusiast, from newbie to seasoned.
Before we begin our list, let us first give you an essential piece of information. Cingari is your best option if you are looking to buy cigars online. We offer all the cigars mentioned below, so you won’t have to spend hours online searching for them.
- Jose L. Piedra Petit Cazadores:
The Jose L. Piedra Petit Cazadores cigar is an excellent addition to the Jose L. Piedra cigar collection. These cigars are made by hand from the finest leaves of Cuba’s Remedios tobacco area, where tobacco has been farmed since the 16th century. These cigars are made using the traditional Tripa Corta Totalmente, a Mano technique, which translates to “short filler completely hand-crafted.”
- Romeo Y Julieta Purito:
These are presumably young small cigars, and while age might improve the flavor, you get the impression that you’re holding a winner. The smooth flavor begins with a moderate spicy Romeo flavor in the first third, followed by a modest alteration in the second. As you smoke this down to the final third, you’ll probably notice a slight cocoa and cedar flavor, but after around 20 minutes, you’ll notice a magnificent Cuban tobacco smoke that will make you wonder how you did it.
- Jose L. Piedra Cazadores:
The Jose L. Piedra Cazadores cigar is one of the cheapest Cuban cigars available but provides excellent quality and flavor. It has a Cazadores vitola that measures 152mm by 43 ring gauge. It has a medium-to-full-bodied smoke with creamy coffee overtones, also giving a hint of tanginess in between.
- Vegueros Mananitas:
The Vegueros Mananitas is a small Piramide cigar that comes in an eye-catching tin. Vegueros, a boutique brand, is gaining popularity as its relatively light, fresh flavors become more well-known among cigar enthusiasts.
The Vegueros brand has been relaunched by Habanos. A facelift that features a reworked mix, a new logo, and new 16-cigar tin packaging. The mix is more potent than the original Vegueros vitoles, yet we still detect the grassiness that has been synonymous with this brand. Petit Piramides is currently a popular size among both manufacturers and smokers. This little Cuban should be kept in your humidor at all times due to its excellent construction and golden brown wrapper.
- Cohiba Mini:
The Cohiba Miniatures are handcrafted to the same high standards as the larger Cohiba cigars. The rich Cameroon wrapper, combined with a one-of-a-kind blend of select filler tobaccos, results in an exquisitely tasting small cigar.
- Montecristo Puritos :
The Montecristo Puritos is a Purito vitola with a ring gauge of 27 and a length of 109mm. These cigars are about the size of a cigarillo and are individually wrapped in cellophane inside a handy little pack.
- Quintero Tubulares:
This cigar has-
- A length of 5.24″.
- 42 ring gauge
- Medium strength
It is a new vitola that has been introduced for the first time in an aluminum tube. It has a medium-bodied flavor and is combined with chopped tobacco leaves before being rolled into full-length binder leaves with the help of a flexible mat fastened to make a firm bunch. The wrapper is traditionally applied by hand.
- Montecristo Mini :
This cigar has-
- Ring Gauge – 20
- Strength – Medium
- Length – 3.2’’
The Montecristo Minis are fantastic cigars for people with little time to experience a puff of Cuban magic. The Montecristo is still the world’s top premier cigar brand, attracting both new and veteran smokers.
The tobacco leaves are harvested from the same plants that produce the world-famous premium hand-rolled Havana cigars. These plants are grown in Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region, which is located west of the island and is widely recognized as the world’s best tobacco growing zone.
- Montecristo Petit No. 2 :
Montecristo is undoubtedly the most well-known brand of Cuban cigars in the world. It serves as the criterion against which all other brands are measured. The name has been derived from Alexander Dumas’s novel “The Count of Montecristo.”
The precise balance of strength and flavor in the leaves selected from the world-renowned Vuelta Abajo area results in a Montecristo. Its one-of-a-kind mix produces a medium to full-flavored experience that is appropriate for both novices and aficionados alike.
A robust cigar from Montecristo’s Linea Clasica was created for individuals who enjoy the brand’s figurados formats but want to enjoy the Montecristo flavor in less time. It has strong tobacco and woody flavors, with undertones of minerals; something earthy and rather sweet; hints of nuts, coffee, leather, cedar, and vanilla, with a rather long aftertaste and an unctuous feeling.
- Quintero Brevas :
Quintero Brevas is a low-cost cigar made by hand. It contains earthy notes that quickly fade and are replaced by the clean taste of tobacco. Brevas is a daily, low-cost Cuban cigar.
Wrapping Up!
These cigars are sure to make your 2022 more enjoyable and flavorful, so buy them today from the Cingari website. Along with offering a variety of cigars in India, we also offer a variety of cigar accessories to make your cigar smoking experience a better one.