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Why You Should Invest In An Air Filtration System For Cigar Smoke

An air purifier is among the most popular options for the ventilation of a smoking lounge or cigar den. There are many different sizes and forms available; some can be quietly mounted to walls, whereas others can be carried around on wheels.

A high-quality air purifier is powerful yet quiet, making it the perfect choice for a small cigar room. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are commonly mentioned when people discuss air purifiers.

These devices draw air through a filter made of fibers that capture particles using a ventilator. Multiple filters of various sizes may be used in a purifier to guarantee that all odor-carrying particles are properly caught as air flows through them. However, there are an increasing number of compact, low-cost HEPA air purifiers on the market. Although they are intended to collect pollen or simply move air around the space to lessen dust, they are rarely successful in removing cigar smoke.

What size are the particles in tobacco smoke?

The majority of the most dangerous particles from tobacco smoke (and, incidentally, marijuana smoke) are as small as 0.1 microns. However, the most typical size range for these particles is 0.3 to 0.5 microns. To put it into perspective, you could fit about 1000 single microns on the head of a regular pin.

Could an air purifier really eliminate such a minute particle?

This is an important question, and the answer is that some air purifiers can eliminate minute particles of tobacco smoke while others can not. 

This is why picking the right air purifier is important. HEPA air purifiers are the most efficient kind of air purifier to use while trying to eliminate Cuban cigar smoke (HEPA stands for High Efficient Particulate Arrestor). The problem is that there are several “grades” of HEPA filters, and not all of them can remove the smaller, more dangerous particles mentioned above. 

These days, you can stroll into the majority of high-street stores and buy what seems to be a pretty impressive “HEPA” air purifier. Some of these cost only a few pounds, while others can go into the hundreds. However, a close examination of the fine print (specification) most often reveals that the HEPA filter found inside of the air purifier is only effective at eliminating particles larger than 0.3 microns and is therefore unable to eliminate significant quantities of the most dangerous airborne pollutants that are smaller than 0.3 microns. 

The best HEPA air purifiers for removing tobacco smoke will have HEPA filters that can remove particles as small as 0.1 microns. Basic HEPA air purifiers with 0.3-micron filters can be successful in removing larger, less dangerous pollutants like pet dander, plant spores, and pollen from the air.

So, any filtration system equipped with a suitable HEPA filter will eliminate tobacco smoke?

Not exactly. One part of the solution is the filter; the other part is getting all of the smokey air into the filter, and the last part is getting rid of the smoke’s actual smell. If the fan that draws the smoke-filled air into the HEPA filter is ineffective in swiftly drawing all of the surrounding air towards it, the filter is essentially useless. Therefore, the optimum setup consists of an excellent HEPA filter (which can remove particles as small as 0.1 microns) and a powerful fan motor that can quickly draw in all of the smoke air (ideally around 5 times every hour in your specific room size). The next piece of the puzzle is getting rid of the smoke’s actual odor.

How is the smoke odor eliminated?

Even the best HEPA filters cannot capture odor because it is not a particle. The removal of the visible (particle) portion of the smoke is obviously a major component of the solution, and the HEPA filter and fan strength are essential for this. However, most of the hazardous compounds involved with tobacco smoke are so tiny that they flow right through such filters. These odors and dangerous compounds need to be adsorbed as they pass through the filter. 

Only a charcoal filter positioned just after the HEPA filter will accomplish that. How much pollution is adsorbed is closely correlated with the size and type of the carbon filter. Activated carbon should make up about a kilogram or more of specialized air purifiers. But a majority of inexpensive (and some not-so-inexpensive) purifiers sold in stores only have a tiny amount of carbon in them; this is frequently just a little, lightweight piece of sponge that has been impregnated with carbon. This tiny amount is all that is necessary for the producer to assert that their product eliminates cigar smoke and odors. However, since such a small amount of carbon can only ever adsorb a very small bit of odor, its usefulness is almost nonexistent.

Also read: Top Tips for Smoking Cigars During Harsh Winters

Always consider your room size before buying an air purification system

One of the most frequent errors individuals make when selecting an air purifier is not considering the size of the room in which they want to install it. For an air purifier to be truly successful, it is crucial to try to find one that is strong enough to push every bit of air in your room through the filter about five times an hour. This is referred to as the ACPH number ( Air Changes Per Hour). But it is easy to be duped in this regard.


If you smoke or have a neighbor who does, secondhand smoke could pose a significant health risk to your family. This risk can be reduced effectively by purchasing a filtration system for smoke.

If you smoke Cuban cigars in India, air purifiers are important to eliminate cigar smoke and odor. You may be aware of the risk you take as a smoker, but children and nonsmokers may not be. When children or nonsmokers are exposed to second or third-hand smoke, their attention spans and visuomotor abilities can suffer. Therefore, it is important to purchase an air filter to eliminate the smoke in order to protect your family and children from the effects of smoking.

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