Regular catalogue Surround yourself with the flavours and aroma of the finest BrandVitola De GaleraLengthRing GaugeFlavoursPriceBrand Bolivar (3) Cohiba (11) El Rey Del Mundo (1) Fonseca (2) H. Upmann (5) Hoyo de Monterrey (5) Josel Piedra (9) Montecristo (15) Partagas (10) Quintero (4) Romeo y Julieta (17) Trinidad (4) Vegueros (4) Vitola De GaleraLength 3.6 To 4 inches (13) 4.1 To 4.5 inches (19) 4.6 To 5 inches (31) 5.1 To 5.5 Inches (27) 5.6 To 6 inches (18) 6.1 To 6.5 inches (9) 6.6 To 7 Inches (3) Ring Gauge Heavy 46 To 57 (77) Slender 26 To 39 (5) Standars 40 To 44 (33) Flavours Light (9) Light To Medium (22) Medium (45) Medium To Full (34) Price Below 3,000 Rs. (36) Above 1,00,000 Rs. (8) 20,000 To 40,000 Rs. (38) 40,000 To 1,00,000 Rs. (59) 10,000 To 20,000 Rs. (38) 3,000 To 10,000 Rs. (65)